Black Sesame (Karuppu Ellu)


Black sesame seeds and its oil are used widely across India. Black sesame seeds are a good source of energy due to the high fat content. They contain healthy fats like polyunsaturated fatty acids and Omega-6. They also contain fiber, iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

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Black sesame seeds are used widely across India. They are a good source of energy due to the high fat content. It contains healthy fats like polyunsaturated fatty acids and Omega-6. They also contain fiber, iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.


Black Sesame Seeds Health Benefits

Black Sesame Seeds The Chinese believe that the nutrients in these seeds can help in postponing or reversing certain age-related side effects. These seeds are rich in vitamin B and iron. The sesamin in sesame seeds protect the liver against the damage caused by free radicals in the body. Also the seeds are rich in fiber, lignans (cell reinforcements) and phytosterol (phytochemicals), which can protect you against the development of colon cancer. These seeds are abundant in calcium and zinc that your bones strong.

The seed can help in curing constipation due to the high fiber content and unsaturated fatty acid content. The oil found in the seed can lubricate your intestines, while the fiber in the seed helps in smooth bowel movements. These seeds also help in clearing up worms in your intestinal tract and improve the digestion process. These seeds are rich in magnesium that helps prevent hypertension. Polyunsaturated fats and sesamin keeps blood pressure levels in check.


Black Sesame Seeds – How To Use

  • Black Sesame Seeds The seeds are often blended with warm jaggery, sugar, or palm sugar and made into balls that are eaten as a snack.
  • These seeds are used to prepare Thoiding and Singju (a kind of salad). Thoiding is prepared with ginger, chilli and vegetables and is served along with the spicy Singju dish.
  • In Assam these seeds are used to make Til Pitha and tilor laru during the festival of Bihu.
  • In Tamil Nadu Ellu Urundai is a famous sweet.
  • You can sprinkle these nutrient-rich seeds over your cereals, noodles or rice.
  • You can also mix them with your yogurt or smoothie to give it that nutty flavour.




Black Sesame Seeds are very useful seed for both Cooking and has lot of health benefits.

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25gm, 50gm, 100gm, 200gm

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