Returns and Refunds

Returns and Refunds Policy

You are eligible for a refund in the following cases:

  • Product is lost during shipping (if sent by courier).
  • Product is not delivered even after 2 working days from the actual delivery date selected during checkout.
  • Product is not in stock, out of the delivery area, or cannot be shipped due to any other reasons.
  • Product is damaged when you receive the parcel.
  • You have received an incorrect variety or quantity.
  • Not satisfied with our Ghee quality – Return with a minimum of 75% of unused ghee within 3 days to get a full refund (For up to 1KG Packs). The customer is responsible for shipping the product back at their own cost.
  • No refund for 5 KG & 15 KG packs for reasons other than damaged container or quality issues reported within 24 hours of delivery.

Important Notes:

  • For all returns, a minimum of 75% of the product quantity must be returned.
  • Customers are responsible for the cost of shipping the product back to us.
  • No refund will be provided for the original shipping charges.

If you have any other reasons to ask for a refund, please call us. We would be happy to clarify. Just making money is not our intention; we wish to keep you happy and delighted!

You are NOT eligible for a refund in the following cases:

  • Shipment was returned due to an incorrect address or unavailability of the customer/buyer. However, the customer can pick this up from our office within 7 days from the date of order. Any claims made after 7 days will not be entertained, and the customer is not eligible for a refund.
  • Incorrect variety or quantity placed by the customer, and the product is already shipped or the order has crossed the limit of 12 hours.
  • Customer refused to accept the product for reasons other than damage.
  • Quality issues reported after 3 days of delivery.
  • Consumed more than 25% of the ghee and claiming for a refund.

The product has been added to your cart.

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