Natural Ponni Raw Rice


Natural Ponni Raw Rice variety was developed by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in 1986. It is very nutritious and healthy.

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Natural Ponni Raw Rice variety was cultivated in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in 1986. It is a hybrid variety of Myang Ebos 6080/2 and Taichung65. This rice gets its name from river Kaveri which was once known as Ponni in old Tamil literature. Its unique aroma and essence caused because of the presence of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline chemical. It is cultivated along the banks of the Kaveri in the cities of Ariyalur, Trichy, Madurai in Tamil Nadu. Ponni Rice is easily available online right here.


Natural Ponni Raw Rice – Health Benefits

Natural Ponni Raw Rice Ponni rice has lot of health benefits for diabetics and high blood sugar patients:

High fiber:
This rice is rich in fibers which means easy to digest. Saves overwork of the digestive system and eventually prevents gastrointestinal problems, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other issues.
Gluten free:
This rice is free of fat and contains low carbs. So it a good option to add this rice to your diet routine.
Low glycemic index:
This rice has very low glycemic value. Which means that this rice can be consumed by diabetics also. It also means that diabetic rice lovers can now have rice without any fear.
Lowers cholesterol:
Since this rice are rich in plant compounds which help lower Cholesterol it is also good to maintain a healthy heart functions.


Natural Ponni Raw Rice

Natural Ponni Boiled Rice This Raw rice is that raw grain is Raw and dried before removing the shell. It makes the rice harder and hence the bugs will not affect quickly. And the quantity of the rice after cooking will also increase. It has an excellent source of protein and high in the nutrients. One cup of cooked parRaw rice supplies 2 to 3 percent of the recommended daily intake of calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. Ponni rice has got immense health benefits and is especially beneficial for diabetics and high blood sugar patients.






Natural Ponni Raw Rice and the Ponni boiled rice are almost the same except that the nutritional value is little higher in raw type.

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Packing Type

Medium Pouch, Medium Bag Package


500gm, 1kg, 5kg

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